Thursday 10 February 2011

Design ideas for

Target audience for

Organic food lovers
Health concious people
People on a higher income
People from a urban enviroment

Why do people like organic food?

Its healthy
Its clean
Its pure
Its seen as an asperational product
More in touch with nature
No chemicals
There is less detatchment than you get from modern convience food

Angle of the site

Sell organic products
To be fun
To use symbols and iconography for the majority of on screen info
A rural setting for the site
Deep earth colours

Site Content
Home page
Main menu

Home page
Home page opens on to a simple image of an idealised farm with a logo of
Clicking on a Flash button moves the user to the page index.
Each section is represented by a graphic. basket for shop, telephone for contact details etc.
Clicking on the graphic takes you through to that section

Site Interaction
The angle of the site is that through the use of Flash the user will physically pick up their products from a basket containing the crops
This gives the user a feeling of picking their own food.
This also enforces the idea that the food is homegrown and organic.

Designing an Interactive Product Part 1

Diary for lesson 1

We have to create a home page for a fictional online organic grocery store

Research and develop idea for branding designs
Develop Ideas
Consider the steps taken to produce a design

Produce a marketing and content framework for a product
Deliver a presentation on marketing brand design for a target audience.
Use diaries and sketch book for product design cycle.

The amount of planning is proportional to the complexity of the project.

Step 1 Research
Needs of the client- what do they want
Specific industry/prduct/client
Target Audience
Market research

Step 2 Brainstorming
Make notes about every idea
Conent will dictate design

Step 3 Technical Requirements
Factors to consider
-time frame
-target audience
-feel of product

Step 4 Written Outline
Get ideas down on paper formally
List each section of the site/product
Discription of what content exists in each section
Product features, user accounts, social network intergration, links, videos, menus
Present to client