Thursday 10 February 2011

Designing an Interactive Product Part 1

Diary for lesson 1

We have to create a home page for a fictional online organic grocery store

Research and develop idea for branding designs
Develop Ideas
Consider the steps taken to produce a design

Produce a marketing and content framework for a product
Deliver a presentation on marketing brand design for a target audience.
Use diaries and sketch book for product design cycle.

The amount of planning is proportional to the complexity of the project.

Step 1 Research
Needs of the client- what do they want
Specific industry/prduct/client
Target Audience
Market research

Step 2 Brainstorming
Make notes about every idea
Conent will dictate design

Step 3 Technical Requirements
Factors to consider
-time frame
-target audience
-feel of product

Step 4 Written Outline
Get ideas down on paper formally
List each section of the site/product
Discription of what content exists in each section
Product features, user accounts, social network intergration, links, videos, menus
Present to client